
If you need an opportunity to talk about issues that concern you with a professionally trained person in a supportive and respectful environment, our face-to-face counselling service may be suitable for you.

As a counsellor I hope to encourage each client to break free from the issues that are keeping them from their best selves. I understand each person is unique and experiences different concerns and will have specific needs.

I have had an interesting life and career which had a rebirth about 20 years ago when my husband and father of my children passed away tragically.

I worked in the accounting and retail field but after experiencing this family tragedy I started on a new path to empower myself and make a more positive life for my family. I started my journey in meditation, Reiki and counselling to empower myself but found a new career path. I continued to study and gained my Bachelor of Social Science (social welfare).

I have worked with crisis services as a residential worker in crisis and medium term accommodation settings and also as a Newly Arrived Youth Support worker working with youth and families.

I then moved into working within a high school setting as a Student Support Officer, which was extremely rewarding supporting students with social skills, mental health, learning support, community connections and family engagement.

I recently worked with families in crisis as an Intensive family worker which is complex and challenging. Also within a Women’s health centre counselling.  These roles have grown my knowledge of family work and the challenges faced by people in crisis or affected by domestic violence and mental health.

Now in this new chapter of my professional life with New Leaf Counselling and Wellbeing, I am looking forward to working with you to make positive changes in a relaxed, safe and confidential environment.

I also offer Reiki therapy

Reiki (ray-key) is a technique that aids the body in releasing stress and tension by creating deep relaxation. Because of this, Reiki promotes healing and health. … The Reiki system of healing is a technique for transmitting this subtle energy to yourself and others through the hands into the human energy system.

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